Family and Friends,
Ray is still in ICU/critical condition, but is definitely showing signs of improving! Today was a much better day. Below are his changes today:
1. Kidneys - Ray actually got off the dialysis machine today! The kidney Dr will reassess tomorrow am, but his kidneys are working again and his creatinine is in the normal range now (after being 8x the normal level 1 day ago!) His Dr told me tonight that this was 'amazing' - his kidneys had failed and they were concerned about permanent damage even...thinking he'd be on the dialysis for 1-2 weeks min, not 2 - 3 days! PTL! Please pray that his kidneys continue to work and improve and he doesn't have to go back on dialysis.
2. Breathing - Not only did Ray not have to go on a ventillator today, but he is actually being weaned off the breathing machine! This am the lung doctor came in to say he too was absolutely amazed with Ray's improvement overnight! They will continue to evaluate this and he is still on oxygen, but getting better. His lungs do have some fluid on them still but definitely improving.
3. His heart rate increased much of the day today (135/min), so please continue to pray that his heart can survive this trauma and infection and continues to strengthen. This needs to go back to normal so its not such a strain on his heart. He also had many irregular heart beats, so please pray that these subside.
4. CT Scans - Ray had CT scans today on his brain, chest (lungs), and abdomen. His abdomen is still a bit extended and he has complained of pain a bit there. He had a bad headache a few nights ago so they did scan the brain. Tonight his Dr. told me he has some bleeding in his brain. He showed me the scans with 4-5 small bleeds. He said this is a result of the low platelets and it also could be the infection that went to his brain, similar to his lesions on his legs and arm. He said right now they are not too concerning, as long as they don't enlarge or increase in quantity. He said they should dissolve on their own, with no after affects. They will keep a close watch on these and of course, I'm pretty worried about this. Please pray for these bleeds to dissolve quickly with no remaining long term effects.
5. Alertness - Ray was more alert today and made sense when he tried to talk. The last few days, he hasn't been awake much and hasn't been very responsive. He actually pulled his breathing mask off this am without taking any of the 4 velcros off...which is something I don't think I could have done myself! He has been trying to get out of bed and has even pulled at his main port....and pulled all the leads off his body. The nurses put these huge white 'mittens' on both hands to prevent this from happening again. I call these his boxing gloves. I sent Ashley a pic and believe she put on FB. However, he actually pulled these 'gloves' off himself. He has been a bit agitated today and restless. They have given him some meds to try and calm him down tonight so he and I both can sleep, but its nearly 1am and so far no change. I can't sleep worrying about him getting out of bed or pulling his main port out....I hope he goes to sleep soon! I also think this is somewhat of a good sign as he is alert and this fight in him is also the same spirit that has gotten him through this horrible experience. So, I'm not complaining too much!
5. Still no official word on the cause of the infection; however, they are leaning heavily toward this being a fungal infection now vs bacterial or viral. They have ramped up the fungal can cause long term kidney damage so they are closely monitoring this as well. They said the fungal theory also supports the lesions or bleeds in his brain...fungal infections do this. They said fungus is in the air and when someone has no immune system, or failing from chemo, you can get this severe infection that just about causes your body to shut down, which is what happened with Ray. They are still testing and still not 100% sure...please continue to pray that they do find the actual source asap.
That's about it...I'll update again tomorrow night so you know specifics to pray for. We are so thankful for his progress these past few days but the Dr said he is still in critical condition and 'very sick'. We understand but we also know God has carried him through this valley so far and we have every faith He will continue the rest of the journey as well.
God is big enough! (We have worn these black rubber bracelets since Ray's first day here...we came here trusting that God is big enough to get Ray through this..and He is doing just that!
Love to all,
Love you, Aunt Teri!! We have all been praying constantly here in Rockford! My dad has been relaying everything you have been saying to him. Uncle Ray is a fighter! Praying for you and the kids as well. Thanks for updating the blog for us all. Many people read it but don't comment here. Love you all so much. Candice
ReplyDeleteRay is in our thoughts and prayers continuously! Thank you for posting updates. Praying for you also :) Tim, Kristy, and family