Monday, May 7, 2012

Mon 11pm - Ray Update - Still in ICU

Family and Friends,
Without a doubt, the most interesting information I received today is that I asked the Drs what percentage of the transplant patients get a severe infection like this before the actual transplant.  The answer?  0!!! Ray is the very FIRST person EVER to get an infection prior to the transplant.  (They have 300 transplants/year and have been doing this for over 30 years!)  Ray's 'case' is causing quite a stir as they just don't understand what happened.  He was doing better than just about anyone at the chemo stage...before he got the infection/fever Wed afternoon.  And he is much younger than the 'normal' transplant patient.  They are all absolutely dumbfounded and everyone is trying so hard to identify the cause and still today, no answers.  No positive cultures on anything!

Today he had the following changes:

1.  White blood cell count - Dropped to 0 today, which was expected.  He now officially has no immune system.  It typically takes 14 days for his new immune system to 'graft'.  However, Drs gave Ray medicine to help 'boost' the start of his new immune system. Typically this is given on Day 8 of the transplant vs Ray's Day 3, but they want him to start making new white blood cells asap to help fight this infection (and any new one he could get)!  He is at highest risk for infection now, but of course, he currently has an active infection.  We are praying he won't get any new/additional infections during the next 2 weeks while he's in this weakened/critical state, so this is a super critical time!
2.  Lungs/Breathing - Drs put Ray on a 'breathing machine' early this am.  It is a mask that covers his nose and mouth and then hooked up to a machine.  It helps force him to take deep breaths. This is an interim step to the ventillator, which the Drs will determine in the morning if they need to do or not.  So, he is at risk again for the ventillator.  Please pray that Ray's numbers improve overnight so that he can avoid this.  If not, they will intubate him in the morning for appx 4-5 days so they can better control his breathing.  The problem right now is that he is not taking deep enough breaths to get rid of the carbon dioxide when he exhales, so this builds up in his blood gases.  This affects alot of things and is not good.  The main reason for this inability to take deep breaths and get rid of the carbon dioxide is he is very lethargic and seems to be sedated, even though they have not given him much sedation or pain medication today.  He has barely woken up at all yesterday or today.  This is mainly because of all the toxins in his kidneys still that they are trying to eliminate with the dialysis.
3.  Blood Pressure - Ray is now experiencing high blood pressure vs Saturday's lows.  He is averaging 190/98 or even higher at times.  They just gave him a medication to help lower his blood pressure a bit, and already it is now lowered to 113/67, just one hour later!  The main reason for the high blood pressure is all the fluids they are giving him to fight the infection and the fact that the kidneys aren't working to eliminate it.  This will resolve over time as the dialysis continues to remove fluids and toxins...just a slow process.
4.  Biopsy of leg sores - The Dr from the infectious diseases did a biopsy of one of the 'sores' or lesions on his legs.  They are hoping this may culture positive with a specific germ and identify the source of the infection so they can better treat it.  We should know results in 48 Wed afternoon.  They believe this is all the same infection.

Please help Ray by continuing to pray for these specific needs during his transplant journey.  We are so thankful for such a huge outpouring of love from our family and many lifting Ray up in prayer and we know without a doubt this is what has made the difference so far with Ray being able to fight this horrible infection and sepsis.  We know God intervened Saturday and helped him to start improving and we know God loves Ray even more than we do and will continue to hold him in the palm of his hand.  We pray for God's will, but of course we hope that is for Ray to get through this and receive his cure!  I know in the toughest of times, God carries us through and we feel that is what God is doing right now...carrying Ray through this valley.  My thanks to our dear friends, Shaughn and Kristie Applegate in TN, for reminding me of this truth in text today when I was at one of my weaker moments when they put Ray on the breathing machine.  It helped strengthen and comfort me so much!!  We have so many wonderful friends that are praying and supporting us and helping with our 4 kids still at home!  Ashley has been amazing through all this and such a huge comfort to me.  When Ashley walked in the room today, that was the first time Ray really opened his eyes and seemed very alert...I think hearing her voice telling him how much she loved him really made the difference.  Also when Arlene told Ray she loved him today from across the room, with his eyes still closed, he simply lifted his hand and put his thumb up was so great to see that he can hear us even when we don't think he can!!

I'm trying to send an update every day so you can see the progress daily and also know what specific prayer needs Ray may have for that day.  Thanks for taking time out of your day to read this and keep Ray in your thoughts and prayers!

Love to all,

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